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my deep thought fo the year...lol

2002-12-22 - 3:10 p.m.

so i was thinkin about suicide today...not ME you dorks..sheesh...it was one of those trains of thought that seems like it should have been surrounded by clouds of pot smoke...but seein i dont SMOKE pot..its really deep...for me anyway...LOL

my thing is this...ok..a person kills themselves why? feel worthless? feel helpless? no courage? ok...but doesnt it take a LOT of courage to kill yerself? to pull a trigger...slit yer wrists? man..now WAY i could do that...so in essence of that...are suicidal people truly the bravest of us all? that boggles my mind tho...that a person could feel so alone and ..i dunno...foresaken..that they feel the only option is to erase themselves from existence...cuz man...even when i was at my LOWEST point..layed up in the hospital after havin a stress related ulcer and needin 4 pints of blood...all i wanted was to BE with people..not be taken away from them...shit...if anything i wanted to kill OTHER people..not myself

anywayz..thats my "deep" thought for the day....

Leave me a note..or dont..whatever yo :)

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