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Jayel's Page

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n diary at DiaryLand.com! c'mon...don't be skurred the stuff from back in the day and no...i wasn't high

imma man dammit!!...right?

2003-01-05 - 9:16 a.m.

as a man i feel that it is SOMEwhat in my nature to know a thing or two about football...but after last nights game in greenbay i am left feelin slighty inadequate...we have an office pool at work...who ever picks the most games correctly up thru the superbowl wins some sorta prize...cool!..well i figured that a team from georgia playin IN greenbay IN the winter and IN the snow...well..chalk that up as an easy win for greenbay...i mean shit.. my OTHER pick, NY Jets beat the snot outta the colts...41-0...beautiful..i was feelin all manly and full of masculinity-ish-ness..then the GB/ATL game is on, the kid is in bed, the beer is cold, the Jets just won and the next game is startin...life is GREAT!! yeah...somebody forgot to tell atlanta that it was snowin or some shit...them bastards won 27-7...AAAAAUUUGHHH!!!! i was so upset i threw the TV out the window and hit myself in the head with empty beer bottles....dood...imma crackhead..not retarded...if i threw my TV out the window..what the hell am i gonna play my PS2 on? sheesh...hope ya'll didnt believe that...hahaha

now i must go eat my cinnamon pancakes that i made...to ease my pain...mmmm pancakes and syyrrrup ALLLLGHHHHH ~droolin like homer simpson~

Leave me a note..or dont..whatever yo :)

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