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ooohh DUNNGH...aiieeeuuhh

2003-01-08 - 6:08 p.m.

Wearing: some shorts

Listening: to Saliva - Lackluster

Eating: waitin on dinner

ok..this one is gonna be a lil off color...so if u dont like stories about fat men grunting when they take a piss...please close this window now.

now then..our security guard at work is a little on the large side..and when i say large side..i mean side of a barn large...doods gotta weigh at LEAST fo' hunnet (400) pounds...so anyway..the janitor asks me "man..u ever been in the bathroom when grant (the guard) is takin a piss??" i confessed that i had never had the pleasure and he proceded to tell me how the man grunts and moans like hes havin sex AND takin a shit at the same time..except hes just pissin..and then he went on to make his point using hilarious audio effects... unnhh..DDUNNGHH!! aaahh uuhhh..oohhh DIIEEOOOHHH!!!...i was crackin up..but i had a feeling he was exaggerating a little bit...but lo and behold..i happened to be in one of the stalls and i could hear him come in..so im like..ok..NOW we'll see if pete is bullshittin or not..and man...i'll be damned if he wasnt on the money...it was almost like gigglin in church..where the quieter u try to be..the funnier it is...except i had my pants around my ankles..but u know..same difference..i swear he had to hear me snickerin in there...as soon as i got out i went lookin for pete...we had to laff for a good 5 minutes...now whenever we see him..we're like" grant..whaddup dawg....DUNNGHH"

i wanted to do the audio clips for this..but i have no idea how to get my audio on the web to be able to download or whatever...its that much funnier..maybe jes to me ..i dunno...

oohhh DUNNAGHH aiieee

Leave me a note..or dont..whatever yo :)

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