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Product Warnings for those Lacking Common Sense

2003-01-09 - 5:39 p.m.

when u buy a certain product..do u look at the product warnings they put on there?? we got to discussin this today...why they have so many stoopid warnings..and the only thing we could figure out is maybe somebody TRIED it once...got all fucked up and sued the shit outta some company...for instance "golly gee..lookit my new blender..maybe i'll just slip my ballsack in here and press this here butto--OH MY FAWKING GAWD!!! I CANT FEEL MY DICK!!!"..and maybe he got some shady ass lawyer to take his case and sue..because nobody TOLD him it was dangerous to but his love muscle in a container with 4 razor blades that spin fast enuff to destroy ice cubes in mere seconds...we had this 5 gallon container of water sealant/repellant and one of the warnings was "do not drink or swallow"...like whos gonna drink that crap?? "hey...im goin scuba diving..but i cant afford the equipment rental...but being the freekin genius that i am..i'll guzzle a half gallon of this sealant and if i can swallow it JUST right so it goes to my lungs...they'll be waterproof and i wont drown!!" the sad thing is...i betcha 5 bux that SOMEwhere..somebody prolly tried it...

in other news, i saw my buddy jayel today..WHAHOOOO! actually i saw her cousin first and i waved..and then im like..that aint her...and SHE (her cuz) was like..wtf is THAT? but then she apparently said somethin to jayel and she stood up from behind the counter and i waved like the retard i am and she waved back like the retard SHE is..and it was all good..meanwhile brians short ass cant SEE her..and he's like..daddy...who are ya wavin at??" then we hopped in the car and went to McDonalds and got some grub cuz i really aint feel like cookin nuffin...plus i smell like water sealant...and NO i didnt drink any...but the warning said NUFFIN about not bein able to gargle with it...mmmm...

i almost forgot to post this up...my dad won first place with this pic at a local arts and crafts show...the "model" is my son..WHAHOOOOO

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