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Jayel's Page

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n diary at DiaryLand.com! c'mon...don't be skurred the stuff from back in the day and no...i wasn't high

dont read my fuckin diary if u are prone to fits of cerebral heebie jeebies

2003-02-25 - 7:12 a.m.

u know what amuses me? the percentage of people who take my surveys that have a problem with my spelling and grammar...dood..im not writin a fuckin novel or a term paper...i poundin out shyz that happened that day and i use words like "str8", "bux", "yo", "yer" cuz it irritates the piss outta some people and gives them a bad case of cerebral heebie jeebies...i wonder if my total lack of punctuation also gets to them?...my major punctuation piece is "..." haha...on one of my questions i axed (thats asked for u retarded grammar geeks).."imma str8 guy...would u have sex with me for a million bux?" and one person said maybe she would if my grammar wasnt so bad...so im like..since i talk funny..its a no go..but if i clean up my speech yer gonna be all over me? i dont think it ever dawned on her that it was a joke...her brain was too busy keepin up wit all da fuxed up "mizsteaks" i wuz makin...mmmm..steak ALLLLGHHH...

Leave me a note..or dont..whatever yo :)

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