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chickenwire..duct tape and....

2003-03-14 - 6:33 p.m.

haha...got a joke for ya..YAY!!

this young man is walkin down the street and he passes by and old man sittin on his porch. the old man calls out, "hey son, whatta ya got there?". the boy replies, "i have some chicken wire.". so the old guy says "whatta gonna do with chicken wire??" and he says "im gonna catch some chickens"..the old guy laughs and says "you dummy, you cant catch chickens with chicken wire!" the young man just shrugs and keeps on walkin. a few hours later he comes back with about 20 chickens all tangled up in the chicken wire. the old man just stares and mutters "well i'll be damned!"....the next day the young man walks past again and the old guy calls out, "say boy..whatta ya got there?" and the man replies "i have some duct tape". so the old man says "uhhh whatta ya gonna do with duct tape?" and the young man says brightly, "im gonna catch some ducks!" to which the old man bursts out laffin and says "boy, you dumbass! you cant catch DUCKS with DUCT tape!"...the man just shrugs and walks on his merry way. a couple hours later he comes back with at least 30 or 40 ducks all stuck to the duct tape. the old man is taken aback and says "what the hell?"..next mornin the boy comes by again..old man says "so whatta got today?" he responds "i have some pussy willow" old man says "wait up! lemme go get my hat!!" hahahahaha...i love it...

man..after typin that long ass thing out..makes me wish i had some voice recognition software...i wonder if it coulda got my different voices for the man and the old guy? hmmm..anywayz...imma go eat some co co puffs!..auuugh!! i ate em all last night!! nooooooooooooooooo..dammit..that sucks...hmm what to eat? eggs? pasta? grrrrrrrrrrrr

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