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my thoughts on the war...if u dont like it..kiss my ass...seriously

2003-03-28 - 11:19 p.m.

lizrbeens: man i'm watching this barbara walters special with this iraqi family that lives here and they were kids in the last gulf thing.. and i just can't get over how beautiful this woman is.. and they are actually praising what we are doing..

lizrbeens: they want saddam out

lizrbeens: the older girl is the pretty one..

lizrbeens: if you are watching

lizrbeens: prolly not

red95isback: yeah..most iraqisa that came from there do want him out

red95isback: thats why i dont get why everybody is bitchin

lizrbeens: he's a punk ass bitch

red95isback: we have some at work who wish they would kill him on live tv

lizrbeens: and yes he should be killed.. but we should have done it the LAST time we were there

lizrbeens: i know right

lizrbeens: i am still opposed to war.. but yes i believe that the people should be freed from him

red95isback: i just get hellafied irritated at people who bitch about it and gripe and complain...if u hate america so much.,.take yer complainin ass over to iraq and get the fuck out

red95isback: ask me how i really feel

lizrbeens: yeah you must be having a hard time expressing yourself

lizrbeens: hahaha

lizrbeens: let me help you with that...

lizrbeens: let it all out

lizrbeens: don't get me wrong i don't hate america.. i really don't think i want to live anywhere else.. but i just question my leader as we are supposed to

lizrbeens: i really don't know how to express what i mean

red95isback: i dont care at all for politics...

red95isback: i think its a bunch of bullshit

lizrbeens: you know that pretty much sums it up

lizrbeens: thank you

lizrbeens: lol

lizrbeens: crackhead is now my spokesman

red95isback: but...bush was right about the chemical weapons...they FOUND the chemical warheads and the bastards that mixed them..and had we NOT gone in..we would have prolly been in deep shit..and the same people bitchin at bush now would be the same ones bitchin at him cuz "he didnt look for the chemicals"

lizrbeens: yeah.. kinda like everyone had been warned about 9/11

lizrbeens: ???

lizrbeens: and did nothing

red95isback: what r yu gonna do about 9/11

red95isback: ?

lizrbeens: nothing now

red95isback: even thenm

lizrbeens: i mean it's too late

red95isback: what to look for?

red95isback: an arab?

lizrbeens: no what i meant was they had been warned and the didn't take it seriously

red95isback: if they took every lil bit of gossip seriously...this country would be on permanent lock down...my point is..no matter WHAT happens..somebody..somewhere is gonna be bitchin about somethin

lizrbeens: i'm not bitchin..

lizrbeens: i'm just sayin..

red95isback: im sayin too

lizrbeens: lol

red95isback: too many sit at home in the comfort of their homes and since they dont have anything better to do they bitch...if they feel that strongly about what is goin on in the government...go run for fuckin office..otherwise shut the hell up cuz the shit gets on my damn nerves...wow..i need to blog this

lizrbeens: i think the point i was goin for was if we hadn't looked for the weapons and we got attacked.. then everyone would lump that up with 9/11.. i am hard to follow sometimes..lol.. yesh you should blog it

lizrbeens: i do realize that i'm pretty much sitting here in luxury while our troops are out fighting for us.. and some are dying for us.. and that's what i hate. it's just saddening to me..

red95isback: well..if they DIDNT fight...u'd probably be speakin german, russian or some other language

red95isback: so..pick one...fighting troops or a fucked up lifestyle

Leave me a note..or dont..whatever yo :)

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