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Jayel's Page

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n diary at DiaryLand.com! c'mon...don't be skurred the stuff from back in the day and no...i wasn't high


2003-04-11 - 6:21 p.m.

i feel as tho my mind has been robbed of a good entry...on the way back from dropping my son off at his moms house...i came upon lots of traffic allllllll backed up to hell and i got all irritated cuz the accident wasnt even that impressive and yet people were all geekafied over it...so i was all set to write about it...but that damn ninabean beat me to the punch! those damn night workers...always gettin the d-land jump on us day workers...grrrr...HAHA...so yeah..on to the other "news worthy" item of the day...as i was driving thru the city in my ford E-350 work van..i was jes cruisin along about 10 over the speed limit..actually im guessing here as i really have no clue what the speed limit is...i jes go, ya know? anywayz there was some little car behind me ALLL up my ass...he couldnt pass me cuz he had cars on either side of him...i knew that in two blocks the road is all tore up...you know, when they tear up the road so they can repave it? all choppy and lumpy and the manhole covers stick up about 6-8 inches...well yeah...~starts laffin~..so im comin up on 3rd street and the light turns yellow...seein as how im in a work truck and it takes abuse like nobodys biz i gun the engine to make it thru and this lil car comes with me..STUCK ON MY ASS...i musta hit the bumpy part at about 45mph or so...my van is lurchin all over the place and this lil bitch behind me ~cracks up laffin at the memory~ his car is gettin SLAMMED by the manhole cover protuberances..next thing you know...his hazard lights come on and he pulls off to the side..mannnnn i was laughin so hard (<--see, i CAN spell "laugh")...

oh yeah...some woman signed my guestbook and said "you are really hot"...man...i swear..i must have the BIGGEST percentage of blind people readin my diary...har har

oh yeah...and on a more depressing note..one of the tellers i used to flirt around with..she got shot to death monday...and yesterday one of our branches got robbed...unrelated incidents...still...fuckin humans

Leave me a note..or dont..whatever yo :)

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