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Osama and Oreo team up to destroy America!!

2003-05-14 - 9:14 p.m.

im sure many of you have seen the news about that retarded lawyer who is gonna sue Kraft to get them to ban Oreo cookies...now im sorry, but if there is NOTHING more pressing on your list of cases than "sue Oreo cookie people", then u REALLY need to find other means of employment...i would like to take this time to speak eloquently for all of america when i say "man..what the fuck is WRONG with that dumbass?!?!" here is a quote from him off of AOL..."I am probably full of hydrogenated fat because until two years ago I didn't know about it. I resent the fact that I have been eating that stuff all my life."...end quote...this "hydrogenated fat" is in TONS of food, mostly snack foods and fast food and this guy means to tell us that he didnt KNOW a diet of oreos, twinkies, doritos and mcdonalds was bad for him? bull SHIGGITY!! what a fuckin dumbass..how the hell he get to be a lawyer and he didnt know oreos had fat in them? BUT..never fear as the always intrepid crackhead and the always alluring ninabean put our 7 collective brain cells (6 were hers) together and stumbled upon a horrible yet SIMPLE plot...we figure Osama had NOTHING to do with terrorist attacks..we think instead that he teamed up with Kraft and other companies to permeate america with HYDROGENATED FAT so we'd all become wallowing fatasses and eventually die of fatassedness...but seriously tho..i can think of LOTS more stuff to ban before oreos ever crossed my mind...let me know if you can think of any more...bird shit on a newly washed car, liver, old people with sports cars, taxes, people who make up dumb lawsuits, traffic jams, elevator music, Mr. Personality, huge people who wear clothes so tight u can see what they had for dinner...man...i could go on and on...so there ya have it...The New York Times has NUFFIN on us...

in other news..i found a really cool picture of my tire and wheel...as ya'll know im a big car geek..or maybe just a big geek..whatever...LOOKIT ALL THAT RUBBER!! calm down you perverts..its a TIRE..sheesh

pretty aint it? heh..im a dork...ok..back to see who gets kicked off american idol..im guessin its gonna be the girl...cuz im jes smart like that...lol

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