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The Ring, a stinky breff bitch and The Bean

2003-05-22 - 5:41 p.m.

ok...this might be a long one so im just bein nice enuff to warn yer ass now...

NOW...first order of business is about my brother...see how pirate-y he looks?

so this first section is about him...and no it doesnt have ANYthing to do with bein a pirate, it was just that i looked so cool as a Country Bumpkin

that i figured he should look just as cool...so anywayz he calls me up monday night and says that he saw the movie "The Ring" and proceeds to tell me that it is THE creepiest scariest most disturbing movie he has ever seen and that if he didnt call somebody before somebody called him..well somethin BAD was gonna happen..so i asked was that in the movie and he said no, but thats just what he figured. so he explains about how different scenes are flashed for only one frame at a time and some of the images are really disturbing and blah blah and so on...i've never seen the movie (which i told him) but i DO know the basic gist of it is; once you see "the ring" then 7 days later you die..or some shit like that...so anyway, i call his house yesterday and disguise my voice and im like "you have fiiiive days left...muahahahaha!" then i hung up..so when he gets home he calls me back and says "dood..was that you?"..."yeah..that was me"..."ok..how did you know that i have five days left..man..what are you...EVIL??"..."no man..somebody told me bout it"..."ohhh MAN...man..i was all jittery and shit" hahahahaha so yeah...that was THAT story

today JB and i were in the drive thru at burger king and the lady JUST gave us our food...while we were checkin the bag to make sure our stuff was right this lady is walkin past us about 15 feet off to the right of us and she looks and JB and then looks away and says "your breath STINKS, bitch!" yo...we fell OUT!! that was the best one-liner i heard in a while...

last night i had the misfortune of tryin to match wits with Ninabean...maybe not so much WITS...as willpower..you see i have a DEEP dark secret that i have never told anybody...actually the only reason i never told anybody was that it wasnt that big of a deal..so anyway she latches onto this like a shark latchin on to a fatass at the beach....we bicker back and forth using every weapon in our collective verbal arsenals...basically it was like this...

HER: tellll meeeeeeeeeee

ME: no

HER: oh come on...tell me dammit!

ME: no

and on and on then she hit me with the sucker punch! she said she'd voice chat with me on yahoo!! dammit! so i gave in and spilled my secret on yahoo...i feel all refreshed now that i got it off my chest...YAHOOOOO!!!

so there ya have it...thats my long ass update for the day...now i must go relax (be verbally abewzed by the bean)

Leave me a note..or dont..whatever yo :)

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