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Jayel's Page

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like old lovers being reacquainted

2003-01-14 - 6:50 p.m.

Todays entry of "Crack n Dove Doodle the World"

"Brent's Bike Accident" By Jayel aka Asiadove

basically it details exactly what happened...im headin east on good luck road (bad name for it huh?) and the protoge makes a left in front of me and BAM!! notice her excellent detail work on my shittin my pants..thanks dood...lol

today at work i actually got to leave the building...went out with tim to do electrical work...he had put in some new metal halide lights (hellafied bright) and they were basically blinding the people inside...so we had to go reposition them to aim higher up on the face of the building...so we took care of that..then i flapped my gums with this teller i hadnt seen since december? early december i think...last time i had seen her she fixed me paskettiez for lunch..and today she said "you look good" like we were old lovers gettin reacquainted...hey...you'll get no complaints from ME! shes from..syria? very beautiful...alllghhh

Ana was there too..she reminds me of salma hayek...same build..same accent...only thing is..ana has highlights in her hair..other than that...good lawd...

in other news..by boss flicked off on me cuzhe thought i left work early..and i in turned flicked off on HIM cuz he was way wrong and he lied to me and i busted him on it...if u gonna threaten to take me to HR...u best have yo shit str8...im a VERY easy person to get along with...but u lie or fuck around with me...shiii..unleash da beesht! :) ok...now imma go get chat on wit da Yahoo!! Peace love n chicken grease!

Leave me a note..or dont..whatever yo :)

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