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Jayel's Page

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n diary at DiaryLand.com! c'mon...don't be skurred the stuff from back in the day and no...i wasn't high

you'll always be my friend...~evil laughter~

2003-03-24 - 7:35 p.m.

jayels secret lusting for my hot body came out in an email that was cleverly disguised as mockery...she TRIED to say i had faggy tight clothes when in reality they are baggy shorts...im on to her!! she is also gonna kill me...i hope SHE doesnt try to hit me with her car...

hey are u working late this week? if not then ill see u on the rizzoad or if u ride ur bike ill try to run u over or something or maybe u can flash ur butt cheeks at me when u wear ur fag tight clothing

the funny thing is i DID ride my bike to work and sho nuff i saw her on the rizzoad while wearing my "fag tight clothing" ...at work today i had some grapefruit juice and apparently my stomach does not LIKE the high levels of citric acid that it has..man..my stomach was hurtin ALL day...i tried drink milk and eatin some bread...no good...i had some "happy intestinal pressure relief" sessions and felt a LITTLE better...and when i got back home i was STILL feelin like criggity crizzap and against my better judgement i ordered a pizza cuz i didnt feel like cookin dinner...and ya know what? i feel MUCH better...maybe all that pizza soaked up the acid...who knows...now i must go beat my son...not actually BEAT him...we're just wrestlin...i just say "hey brian...u better run cuz daddy iz gonna BEAT ya!!" then he giggles and runs away in mock terror while i pursue him and attack him with great ferocity!!

P.S. i made jayel promise to be my friend even tho i made up all that crap at the beginning of this post...lol

Red95isback [7:34 PM]: no matter what i say...you'll always be my friend...right? :-D

Asiadove [7:35 PM]: waaaaaaaa lol

Asiadove [7:35 PM]: why

Asiadove [7:35 PM]: wat u going to say eh?

Red95isback [7:35 PM]: just say "yes brent..i';ll be yer friend no matter what u say"

Asiadove [7:35 PM]: im skurred

Red95isback [7:35 PM]: dont be!

Asiadove [7:36 PM]: why

Asiadove [7:36 PM]: whyhhyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

Asiadove [7:36 PM]: brent whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

Red95isback [7:36 PM]: cuz..i need to hear u say it...lol

Asiadove [7:36 PM]: ok ok

Asiadove [7:37 PM]: "ill be your friend no matter what"

Asiadove [7:37 PM]: *cringes*

Red95isback [7:37 PM]: YAY

Leave me a note..or dont..whatever yo :)

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