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Dead Pigeons and The Mysterious Trash Dragger!!

2003-06-09 - 7:02 p.m.

Today was a pretty decent day. <---OOOO LOOK!! i actually used proper punctuation!! yeah...dont get used to it..ANYWAYS...i rode my bike to work this mornin but it rained last night so the road was all wet and when i got to work my butt was all wet..so that was a lil weird...HAHA we have been replacing exhaust fan motors on RTU#1 at a ridiculous rate...apparently we got a bad batch of motors..i think we went thru 7 motors in two weeks..usually each motor is suuposed to last about 5 years or more..so yeah..not cool, but anyway i had to take four of them to the place we got em so we could get credit back on them...so i made a rode trip up to gaithersburg and then back into the city where Tim needed my assistance with the fire alarm system...then while we were there at Dupont Circle (spot of the famous homeless guy with chicken bone fight) we get a call that the Pigeon wire system blew a fuse...basically the system sends 120 volts thru the wire every second...this wire goes ALL around the edge of the roof to keep the pigeons off and therefore keep it clean (no piegeon poopies)...its SUPPOSED to zap them once where it freeks them out and they fly away...but for THIS poor pigeon he jumped the wrong way and hit the building and the wire continued to zap his sorry ass till the fuse blew...HAHAHAHA

so i had to go up there..try not to get zapped myself and knock him off the wire..he made a nice healthy "PLOP" sound when he hit the ground....no sooner then we get the ladder back and i go over to take a look and dood is covered in flies! i took a pic of that too but figured it was kinda gross...LOL

so then it was about 3:30 and i started heading back to the main building..i worked my way across Q street till i hit Rhode Island ave and cruised all the way back...on my way back we get stuck in rush hour traffic and i see this lady on the other side of the street just walk out and grab this big roll of plastic or somethin...she was just walkin down the street and i guess decided to go get the plastic...i have no idea why..it looked like stuff from a construction site..maybe she thought it would make a bomb ass party dress..YOU GO GIRL!! check her out..she gonna hook it up! hahaha

so then on my bike ride back HOME...i gotta go up two big hills (i get to come down in the mornins) so my avg speed goin back is always slower than when i came in..not to mention i just finished workin 8 hrs...but my avg speed was about 2.5mph faster than it usually is...YAY WEIGHT TRAININ!! lol oooohhh..and let me tell you how BRIGHT i am...here it is in June and it just dawns on me..that the AC works now...DO'H!! so yeah..i rode home, cranked that sucka wayyy up then went to get brian...when we came back we both said "ooOooo..it feels GOOD in here!!" so yeah...another day in the life of me...

Leave me a note..or dont..whatever yo :)

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