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Jayel's Page

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Sex Sells...or at least the illusion of sex

2003-01-01 - 10:03 p.m.

Well, i finally got two banners to run..one was basic words with some fugly color scheme..the other showed pictures of me...minus a shirt and with slightly droopy pants...well..the droopy pants one got TWICE as many clickthrus as the fugly color scheme one....so i ask myself...how badly do i want readers? am i willing to spend hours a week working out and riding a bike...just to have some cheesy shirtless pic on my banner to attract more readers?..shit..yer damn right i am!! now that i've brought in some perverted female readers...i need to make an intelligent and witty banner to bring in the high brow crowd...of course..my low brow humor probably wont keep em interested very long...what with stories of killer clones...400 gallons o sperm...fat people make bigger diamonds..i just dont see em stickin around very long...

man...i hate these middle of the week holidays...all holidays should be either on monday or friday...hook us up with the long weekends...joo know?? it sux havin one day off then u gotta go RIGHT back to work the next day...

ohhh yeah...ya'll know jayel...my online buddy who works in the same office complex as where my son goes to daycare...but we've never met? well anyway...i was ridin my bike tuesday and i was going to drop of the money at daycare on my way back from goin to safeway to get some milk...so i drop the money off and i start to ride back out to the street..and VERRRY faintly i hear "doooooood" ...it was so faint i didnt even pay attention..then later that night when she got online...shes like.."dooood..i saw u..and i said 'dooooood'...but u were already to the road" im like DAYUM yo! why aint i look? i dunno...we're crazy like that...now i must go be a silent assassin on Hitman2...~diabolical laffter~

Leave me a note..or dont..whatever yo :)

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