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Jayel's Page

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n diary at DiaryLand.com! c'mon...don't be skurred the stuff from back in the day and no...i wasn't high

lookit all the visuals!!

2003-05-29 - 10:25 p.m.

in a conversation with the bean she mentioned that she felt left out because she had no stalkers...so i secretlt left a message in her guestbook pretending to be a stalker! then i slipped and let her know it was me and she said "oh well now you ruined it by telling me that it was YOU!" ...OUCH!! man..that was hurtful and mean..almost like she threw a knife at me!

normally the crackhead is not one to be hurt by such comments but this is the BEAN we're talkin about, and as we all know..what the bean says, goes...can you FEEL my anguish??

yeah man...im ok now..at least my day wasnt THIS bad!! VIRGIN MY ASS!!

so yeah...hows THAT for a visually impressive entry? LOL...in other news today i had fun with my camera at work...the best shot of the day was some video of my co-worker, Ed, throwing an old motor off the roof into a dumpster 7 stories below...and he MADE it...ed, you da man!! i also go some in car footage of me takin an exit ramp but the video came out kinda crooked cuz i went to fast and the camera shifted

and right before i left to go take the video jayel told me that thanh was comin over to her place so i figured she was about to dip out..so i said peace n chicken grease and put my away message up that said "RUB MY BUNIONS" and rolled out...so when i get back it turns out thanh was talkin to me and SHE got the bunion message...HAHAHAHA...ok..now i must go finish watchin CSI...i love CSI...

Leave me a note..or dont..whatever yo :)

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