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table dances...and gym instructors oh my!

2004-02-05 - 7:35 p.m.

oooo look! im updatin again..i always have stuff to update about...but sometimes im too tired to bother..i recently started goin back to the gym..i DO have a decent weight bench here at my place..but it jes cant match a gym...strangley a week after i started goin...about 5 womens from my job joined also..they dont use the gym itself..but come in to take aerobic classes..which brings me to the instructor..the instructor for thursdays is the one who took my application and vital signs...shes very attractive and got a SET OF HAMHOCKS on her..whoooo LAWDY!! usually she wearin baggy sweats and baggytops..but for todays class she had on tights and some tight top...MANNNNNNN she was jumpin all over...rump all tight and muscular...mmmmmmHMMMM! anywayz..thats why i havent been updating...i DID download a good song, Soundgardens "Outshined"...

oooo show me the power, child..id like to say that im down on my knees today..yeahh it gives me the butterflies gives me away till im up on my feet again...oohhh YEAHHH im feelin..im feelin outshined!! ~jammin~

ahahahaha yeah so thats thatooooooo yeah! at work this evening our front door (and every other door to a secure area) is secured by magnets that release when the ID card is placed against it...well for some reason the front door wouldnt release...not from the motion detector, the manual release OR the ID reader...so im tellin people that they cant go out the front door (the security guard was makin a giant sign up) and most listened..but SOME people think cuz they have an MBA PhD BA BS or what the fuck ever..that a maintenance guy aint gonna tell em nuffin..yeah..thats why yer bitch ass ran into the door and left a face smudge on the glass...dumbass...then they're all like "hey..this door isnt releasing!" and i tell em "yeah i know..i just told you that u cant go out that way."..."oh."

theres this gay dood at my work named xavier..normally i dont have a big problem wit gay doods...other than its fuckin disgusting..but whatever...jes do you and we'll be ok...but dont start makin lewd gestures at me or whatever else...i swear he irritates the piss out of me...and i wish he WOULD grab me or somethin..so i could bodyslam his ass thru a wall...fucker

today i was changin VAV box filters..basically the lil ac boxes in the ceiling that help circulate the air thru-out the building...anyway the filters get dirty so we change em every now n then..LOL..anyway..i had to get on this ladies desk..her name is raina..and she is BUILT...so i asked "scuze me..u mind if i get up on yer desk?" and she was like "oooo a table dance..lemme get my dollars out!!" man..i fell out laffin...now SHE could grab me..shooooooooo..thats what i know dammit! lol

MY LEGS ARE SORE...and yet they feel like jello...im glad tomorrow is my off day..my legs need a break..and so do my fingers...PEESH!!

Leave me a note..or dont..whatever yo :)

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